Wednesday, May 13, 2009

End of Fifth Week


The end of the fifth week has come and gone and I am down to 340. That's 4o pounds since I started Weight Watchers and 60 pounds since I got the 400 pound wake up call. Got a new Taylor scale that goes to 45o pounds. It works great, with only a few hiccups and it has a glass top, which even at my now more sleek weight it still scares me it might break.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fourth Week and Finally Through the 350 Pound Barrier


It is week number four and I am less than 350 pounds for the first time in over ten years. I weighe in at 343 pounds.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

End of Third Week


Still at 351 pounds. Got a new scale at GNC. Scale was capable of weighing up to 450 pounds but alas it was not meant to be--the scale was defective.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

End of Second Week


At the end of the second week I am down to 351 pounds. I can't believe 350 is in sight. It has been more than 10 years since I have seen 350 on a scale.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First weigh in

My first official weigh in was this morning. 274.8. I'm down 2.2 pounds this week. (6.9 pounds from my start of 281.) Slow and steady wins the race!

First Week and Success


At the end of the first week I find a pay scale in front of our local GNC Store. and according to that I am already down to 353 pounds. YEAH! I am off to a good start.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Off and Running


Weight Watchers has changed immensely, over the years, and what once seemed just another horrible dieting experience, only with built-in peer pressure, now looks not only like something that is do-able, but also looks like something I could comfortably continue long-term.

I don't have a scale that can weigh me at home and my current work schedule doesn't afford me the time or proximity to stop in regularly at my doctor's office or some other place that would offer me regular access to an accurate scale. So, for now, I will have to use the last known accurate weight from a doctor' appointment a few weeks ago of 380 pounds.

And, I am off and Running.